Thursday, November 23, 2006

Fall 2005 Mexico

Dear Friends,

I am now living with Pedro & Carmen Reynoso. (Recipients of the first YUGO house, 9 yr ago) In a colonia close to the center of Ensenada. This is an incredible experience on many levels. I am only speaking Spanish in the home (great practice); and they are a wonderful example to me of living a life, practicing the principles of Jesus. You may ask what that is? To me it is simply living a life of growing closer to him; growing more like him, and following the example he gave in how he lived his life.

I see this life in Pedro & Carmen, in the way they love others. In the way they, literally, give up their bed to others. The way they feed visitors, as if their pantry was overflowing, even though there may not be food for tomorrow. They do this, without worry, because they know that their “pantry” is overflowing! Everything in their lives, they see is from the Lord. They give Him thanks & praise, in even the smallest things. And this life example is giving me great perspective, in my own life. It is also encouraging me to desire to draw closer, in my personal relationship with Jesus; because I see the joy & completeness in living a life totally surrendered to Him!

And to think, they are having this impact on my life, solely by living this out with me. This also is a great encourager to me. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Looking at the life of Jesus, and thinking about the way he lived with the disciples. Thinking about all they learned from him in the daily living. It was much more than just his teachings.

I ask you to be praying for me, in this time in Mexico, that the life I am living will be an example to the people of Mexico, of a life with Jesus.

I am continuing to spend more time developing relationships with families, in the villages of Las Flores, Lomas Bonitas & El Zorrillo. I have also been connecting with a number of men (some of whom are Pastors), for regular times of prayer & fellowship (and of course coffee). I am also connecting people & recourses in the States, directly with families & churches in Mexico.

I continue to be encouraged with the realization that “with God, everything is possible”, and my job is to trust in Him, grow closer to Him, and continue to love others. (If only these three things were easy!)

As you enjoy this holiday season, and as you think about the story of Jesus, being born in a manger. Remember that there are many families, all over the world, living in a manger, because there is no room at the Inn. I pray that we will be available to love them, as Jesus loves them.

I love you all,
Scott Wester

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