Monday, March 23, 2009

I recently returned from Washington DC, having traveled there for the National Prayer Breakfast (NPB). This year there were delegates from 178 countries (there are presently 240 countries in the World, in case you were wondering), attending not only the annual breakfast, but also a number of events over a four day period.

This was my fourth year going to be with & assist a dear friend, who has been meeting with delegates from Latin America for a number of years (and recently the Middle East as well).
In many ways, the NPB is a difficult place for me to really get to know people, due to the size of the event, and the amount of people. [I believe around 4,000 attend the breakfast] But over the last few years a number of friendships have started through this time, and this year I came away with a real sense of having connected on a deeper level with a few of the people I have been getting to know over the years.

There are three areas (and friends in those areas) Ana & I have been praying for since 2006. Chiapas, Mexico (we visited on our Honeymoon), Colombia & Ecuador. We really believe God has a purpose in these friendships, and I ask you to join with us in praying for the State of Chiapas, Mexico (as you pray for Baja California as well), and the countries of Ecuador & Colombia.

The opportunity exists for visiting these places and the friends there, we just don't know when.
What continues to amaze me, is the realization that we are participants in a global work, that spans across all aspects of society, culture, marketplace & economic strata. All of us, who are in the fellowship of believers in Jesus, are connected in this work. Its easy for me to focus on the work I am doing, or what's right in front of me, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to have a glimpse of the diversity in how God is working around the world.

In my continued role as Director of YUGO’s Ensenada Outreach Center, I must confess that this year has gotten off to a difficult start. We have seen a number of teams cancel due to the economy or fear. My natural response to this was to stress about how this could impact the ministry. Sometimes its almost funny, how I quickly forget this is NOT my ministry! This, in turn, takes a toll on my precious wife & daughter. Please keep praying for us.

Another season has begun. I believe this will be a defining year. A moment we look back on and see a major shift in our lives. Yes, its a life long journey, but there are moments in our lives, when the walk becomes a little more difficult; where we receive clarity in understanding our purpose, and who we are called to be. I am so thankful we are not on this journey alone. Ana & I pray for you all, and we thank you for your prayers & support for the work we are involved in. We truly believe we are part of a whole body, connected in spirit & love with you in this global work that we are all a part of. "Forming One Body, Building One Community, Transforming the World"

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Ana, Scott & Naomi Wester

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